HMI is changing the way several industries are run now. It is a technology that automates several fields and improves productivity and efficiency on many levels. The merging of humans and machines through HMI is simply the next norm in industrial automation. Interested in finding out more about HMI? Read on to get a general overview of this technology. Also, we’ll introduce STONE HMI displays and why they’re among the leaders in HMI technology worldwide. Defining what HMI is HMI stands for Human Machine Interface. It consists of a dashboard allowing a person to manipulate and interact with a system, device, or machine. HMI is often regarded as the merger of humans and machines for better automation efficiency. HMI is also known as: Operator Interface Terminal (OIT) Man-Machine Interface (MMI) Local Operator Interface (LOI) Operator Terminal (OT) The HMI presents visual information regarding a system to the user. The person, in turn, can operate and control the ...